Apple has introduced two new iPhone models, one of which checks in with a whopping 5.5-inch display. Seeing as how Apple has always valued one-handed use, they've implemented a few UI tweaks to improve usability.
On the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus, users can turn the device into landscape mode and essentially use it like a miniaturized iPad Mini. What's more, the iPhone 6 will horizontally shift the home creen itself when the device is oriented in landscape mode. Without question, Apple is jumping head first into phablet territory.
With the larger screen real estate, Apple has also introduced a new gesture it calls reachability. Reachability promises to make one-handed use more approachable, and to use it users simply double tap on the home button and the entire display will slide downwards. Subsequently, you can tap on items located at the top that were previously just out of reach. At first glance, this seems like a rather elegant solution.
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