Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Samsung Belgium Donating a Pear for Each Tweet About an Apple [iOS Blog]

Samsung's Belgian division is having some fun with the hype surrounding Apple's press event and using this occasion to support a worthy cause. According to the division's website, the company will buy a pear for each tweet about an apple. Samsung will distribute the pears free of charge tomorrow at the Brussels-North railway station.


This #aPearForAnApple promotion is one of several campaigns to support Belgian pear farmers who face financial difficulty after Russia recently banned the import of some foods from the EU and the US. Russia is Belgium's main pear purchaser, buying up to $127 million or 40 percent of the total pear harvest each year. Belgians are using the hashtags #ToffePeer and #ShareAPear to encourage citizens to eat more pears and offset the financial consequences of the ban.

It's not surprising to see Samsung use the hype surrounding Apple as part of a marketing stunt. The Korean company is known for its clever marketing blitzes that often focus on the iPad, iPhone or Apple fans. In its recent Galaxy S5 commercial, Samsung mocked the iPhone's integrated battery design and short battery life, calling iPhone owners "wall huggers" who can't stray from their public power outlets.

Thanks to Jef for the tip.

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