Tuesday 7 October 2014

Morgan Stanley is totes in love with Apple Pay

iphone 6

With Apple Pay slated to launch this month, all eyes are on Apple to see if it can shake the curse of NFC payment systems and break through to mass adoption. We won't know if it succeeds for a while, but Morgan Stanley's Craig Hettenbach certainly seems upbeat about the possibility. In a release to investors -- which AppleInsider pored over -- Hettenbach makes some big predictions for Apple's future in the payment space.

"By reducing fraud, improving data security, and increasing credit/debit volumes for issuers and networks, while protecting the value of the existing payments value chain, we believe Apple Pay has a high chance of success," Hettenbach boasts, adding that Apple appears to have solved all the major problems that have plagued past NFC payment efforts from the likes of Google and PayPal.

Hettenbach also notes that wide adoption of Apple Pay will likely help boost the appeal and adoption of its competitors' payment platforms as well, which makes a lot of sense. Right now, NFC on the iPhone 6 and 6+ will remain locked down and out of reach for third-party developers who might want to use it, like Google, but if those bars are removed in the future, it could potentially cause even greater competition between the two tech giants.

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