Thursday 23 October 2014

Vision Puzzle: Searching for fun

Players spot the difference between two images in Vision Puzzle

Vision Puzzle is a fun, but challenging game where players try to spot the differences between two similarly looking images. Players have two minutes to spot five differences between two images which adds a nice challenge to a common game. Vision Puzzle is compatible with iOS devices running iOS 5.0.

Vision Puzzle features a variety of spot the difference puzzles for players to challenge themselves. These range from familiar cartoon characters to real life photos of beautiful locations. Picking out the differences in each puzzle can be difficult as the images are hard to see on a phone screen, but the extra screen space on the iPad accommodates this game very well.

Players can use the star in the middle of the screen to help them complete the level in Vision Puzzle

Players can use stars when they get stuck, which will find one difference in the image. Players get 15 stars to start with and can get more by purchasing them through an in-app purchase. The location of the stars is really close to the images and sometimes players accidentally tap the star. This causes players to waste stars which are rather limited, since players have to pay to get more.

One annoyance in Vision Puzzle is that if you go back to the main menu, you have to start all of the levels in that section over again. This can be frustrating as players shouldn't have to replay levels they already completed when they are trying to unlock the rest of the puzzles. Another annoyance is that there doesn't seem to be much of a penalty for just randomly tapping the images to find the difference. Sometimes when players find an object that is difference, it is challenging finding the small square that represents a successful find.

Players spot the difference between two images featuring cartoon characters to real life photos in Vision Puzzle

Vision Puzzle is US$0.99 on the App Store. Although the puzzles are a fun way to spend some time, overall there is not enough content for it to be worth the purchase.

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