Tuesday 29 April 2014

Steve Jobs named the most transformitive business leader of the last 25 years

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the late co-founder and CEO of Apple, has been named by CNBC as the most influential business leader of the last 25 years. The "CNBC25: Rebels, Icons and Leaders" list is topped by Jobs, but he's trailed at #2 by rival-turned-confidant Bill Gates. Tech personalities dominate the list, with the founders and CEOs of companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Oracle, and more taking up spots in the top 25. But it's Jobs at #1.

Says CNBC about Jobs:

His creative genius revolutionized not just his industry and its products, but also everything from music and movies to smartphones. He provided a platform for others to create and distribute apps, bringing innovation and change to an even wider sphere. Apple's co-founder tops our anniversary list of the 25 most transformative leaders, icons and rebels of the past-quarter century. More than any other member of our group of extraordinary entrepreneurs and executives—all outstanding leaders—his vision spurred changes far beyond his industry and put an indelible stamp on the wider culture.

Jobs' career at Apple was not without turmoil, including being forced out of the company in its early years, founding NeXT and Pixar, and then returning to Apple in 1997 to restore the company to profitability as well as launching numerous new products that changed the way we look at computing: the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, and then the iPad.

Though he passed away in 2011, the legacy of Steve Jobs continues to this day — just look at your smartphone or your computer. Chances are it'd look very different if Jobs and Apple hadn't been around.

Source: CNBC

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