Thursday, 20 February 2014

Are you using BBM Channels or BBM Voice on BBM for iOS?

Instant messaging (IM) is white-hot right now. The latest update to BBM for iOS added features like BBM Voice that allows you to make and receive calls to other BBM users and BBM Channels that lets you create and follow mini blog of sorts for your favorite personalities, products and more. In the iMore Forums, there has been folks creating groups, sharing their PINS and actively using BBM since BBM was released for iOS but when it comes to BBM Channels there hasn't been a whole lot of conversation. BlackBerry recently announced that big brands have been adopting BBM Channels and from my own personal experience, I know that a lot of channels that already exist are openly welcoming iOS and Android users into the space but is anyone on iOS actually using BBM Channels?

And what about BBM Voice? In the world where Skype, Facetime and more exist has anyone actually put BBM Voice to work on iOS? From my own experience I know that the quality of BBM Voice is great but there's certainly a barrier of entry there in the fact that you have to be willing to actually give it a go in order to experience it. Not only that, you have to convince someone else to give it a go as well as you can only call other BBM Voice users.

Have you set up a BBM Channel? If so, swing by the iMore Forums and share your PIN and let us know whether or not you're liking the service. If you've not set one up, let us know in the comments why. Same for BBM Voice, have you given it a go? If so, let us know what you thought of it. If not, what's your reason for not having tried it? We're curious to see how many people have actually given these new additions a go.

Discuss more in the iMore Forums

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