Monday 25 August 2014

Georgia's #ALSIceBucketChallenge draws blood!

So I gleefully helped Rene do his #ALSIceBucketChallenge just over a week ago and, of course, he turned around and challenged me. Well, it might have taken me entirely too long to respond, but you can see me finally going through with it above. Needless to say, the ice decided to make me pay for the delay by drawing some blood, but it's all well and good in the name of charity. Now that I'm done, I'm challenging my co-hosts Brianna Wu from Isometric and Guy English from Vector, as well as John Siracusa of ATP because that would just be an amazing thing to see. So, watch the video, and then go and donate to

Also be sure to check out the rest of the iMore and Mobile Nations crews, past and present, talking and making their challenges, including Ally, Chris (on Facebook, Bla1ze, and Leanna!

Even the iPhone took it! (And has over 250K views so far!)

And don't forget, if you link up your #ALSIceBucketChallenge video in this iMore forums thread, Michelle will send you an iMore T-Shirt!

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