Friday 29 August 2014

iWatch might not ship until 2015, despite September announcement

iWatch might see September reveal, but not ship until 2015

While it's still expected to be announced at Apple's September 9 event, it appears that Apple's iWatch may not be available for a while after. The time between the unveiling and launch will be at least a few months, with the device actually launching after the holiday season, according to John Paczkowski of Re/code:

Sources in position to know tell me it won't arrive at market for a few months. "It's not shipping any time soon," said one. So when does Apple plan to ship its eagerly anticipated wearable? That's not clear, but my understanding is that we're unlikely to see it at retail until after the holiday season — think early 2015.

While that would make the wait between the debuted and actual product launch at least five months, it's not unprecidented. The original iPhone launched six months after its January 2007 unveiling, and the iPad launched just under four months after its January 2010 debut.

It could be that Apple wants to show off the integration between the iWatch and the iPhone 6, even if the iWatch isn't quite ready to ship yet. The possibility also exists that they want to give developers enough time to create apps for the device, if such a thing is possible at launch. We'll know more in September, but any reason to delay releasing the product until after the holiday season would need to be very important.

What do you think of this potential delay? Let us know below in the comments.

Source: Re/code

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