Friday 29 August 2014

Internet Movie Database for iOS adds features, takes a few away

The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is the best resource on the web for all things movie or TV. Reviews, biographies, production details, trailers -- you name it, IMDB has it.

IMDB has launched an updated version of its app for iOS, and added some welcome new features. Looking for showtimes has been improved, TV listings are deeper, and when you search for an actor to see what episodes of a show they have been in, you now can see all of them rather than just 5.

On the other hand, the "on DVD/Blu-ray" feature of app has been scrapped because Amazon, the owner of IMDB, wasn't happy with the information provider. IMDB has also lost a previous feature to link to its web presence from the title and name page due to Apple submission guidelines.

Overall, the update is a solid one, but you'll have to find some alternatives to the features that were removed. DVD and Blu-ray Disc availability, for example, can be found on the Amazon site.

The IMDB app is universal, and requires iOS 7 or later. Happily, the update seems to work fine under iOS 8 beta, so I don't foresee any issues when iOS 8 launches next month.

1 comment:

  1. “Upcoming Movies: Discover new film releases” this application is designed to discover the best films and movies. Keep up with the most anticipated releases and follow your favorite actors, producers and directors. Store, Organize and Rate your favorite IMDb Films and movies.
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