Wednesday 27 August 2014

iOS users are the biggest porn hounds

ipad porn

Which smartphone users partake in mobile pornography the most? According to Pornhub's data, the majority of the site's smartphone traffic comes from Android users, who make up just over 48%. iOS, trails behind with a little over 40%, while the remainder is made up of Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and other platforms. But while Android has the biggest slice of the porn pie, it doesn't tell the whole story.

If you take into account smartphone market share -- where Android thoroughly dominates iOS thanks to countless budget handsets a plethora of manufacturers -- Android users actually don't watch all that much porn. On the other hand, while iOS makes up less than 12% of worldwide smartphone market share, it accounts for 40% of Pornhub's traffic. iOS users are indeed the most porn-hungry.

This trend is further amplified when tablets are analyzed, as the iPad's domination of the market results in over 77% of Pornhub's tablet traffic coming from an Apple device. Android makes up just 21%, and Windows tablets account for less than half of a percent.

In short, you're a bunch of filthy, filthy individuals. I'm proud of you.

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