Thursday, 14 August 2014

Watch Rene get dowsed in the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS!

The Ice Bucket challenge is simple — fill a container with ice and water, dump it on yourself, and then challenge someone else to do likewise. All to raise awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). My friend and co-host Dave Wiskus did it a couple days ago on Better Elevation, and Apple's senior vice president (SVP), Phil Schiller, did it at a beach yesterday. So now it's my turn. Inspired by Wiskus and Schiller, in the frigid Canadian summer, I'm dousing myself in ice and water in hopes you go learn about and donate to ALS — and I'm challenging Kevin Michaluk, Phil Nickinson, Daniel Rubino, and Georgia Dow to do the same!

If you've done the Ice Bucket challenge please share the link below, and share your challenges!

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