Thursday 9 October 2014

Animals vs. Mutants is cute, mutant-smashing fun

Animals vs. Mutants

After just a few minutes of playing, my 9-year-old proclaimed Animals vs. Mutants (universal, free with in-app purchases) "awesome." So there you go.

Animals vs. Mutants (or "AVM" as I'm calling it) is a cute combat game in which you and an ever-increasing army of adorable but vicious animals must defeat Dr. Wicked's horrible creations. As you win battles you free various animals who fight by your side. This is crucial, because you'll need the right combination of animals and abilities to keep fighting successfully. Here's my look at Animals vs. Mutants.


I have to say, for all the fighting, it's a cute little game. The cartoonish heroes, villains and scenery are right at home on top of a pleasant little score. Yes there are pitched battles, but at least they aren't flinging gore all over the place.

Outside of the action, the inventory, shop and level overviews are clear and legible. Plus, your health is represented by a strawberry. Awww.


Don't let the cuteness fool you. There is strategy to AVM. Before you go on a mission, you must select the animals that will accompany you. Each has a unique skill. For example, squirrels are great with ranged weapons (where "weapons" = acorns). But pandas are better at melee. A good combination will serve you well.

You've also got to manage your hero's HP and mana. Your "max mana" is used to summon animals, while the "mana recovery speed" lets you do so quickly. Virtual coins let you level up both of these stats, as well as others.

Moving and fighting is very straightforward. Simply tap the screen left or right to move, and get within range of enemies to attack automatically. It's easy, yes, but a bit dull. I'd like to take a more active role in the combat, choosing who to attack and when. Instead, I just get close and watch it go down. But for kids, like my young son, the easy combat is probably good thing.

AVM also offers mounts, which is cool. Each offers its own benefits, aside from just looking cool. You'll also unlock items to aid your and your furry companions.

What I really liked about this game is the various play modes. There's standard "adventure" mode, but also a survival mode that has you fighting wave after wave of bad guys for as long as you can, and a battle mode, where you can try to earn more points than your friends. Speaking of, Game Center is also supported.


Animals vs. Mutants is a fun, cute battle game. It's simple to play and so-so on strategy. You must assemble an effective army, and buffs like mounts and items aid in combat. I just wish that combat were a little less "auto pilot." Younger players will love it. Speaking of the kids, note that in-app purchases will let you buy in-game currency. But you can switch those off easily.

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