Thursday 9 October 2014

Retail analyst blames sales lull on iPhone 6


The launch of a new iPhone always has a ripple effect across the electronics industry, and while analysts pontificate about the iPhone 6 launch affecting sales of competing smartphones and even Apple's own tablets, retailers are claiming they've been hit with the iPhone effect as well. As Investor's Business Daily reports, analytics firm Retail Metrics noticed a significant dip in sales and lackluster traffic that it attributes to consumers choosing the new iPhone over a trip to the mall.

It's worth noting that while a new iPhone has launched around this time each year for a while now, the iPhone 6 shattered previous records with over 10 million units sold in the first weekend. If smartphone sales do indeed impact big-name retail shops in any measurable way, the iPhone 6 launch would certainly have had a larger impact than most, and it appears that it might have.

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