Saturday 11 October 2014

SportsYapper continues to be a fun place to talk sports

SportsYapper screenshots

SportsYapper keeps you in touch with other fans of your favorite teams and gives you the chance to share those special moments with like-minded sports fans even if you are watching a game at home by yourself. Dave Caolo first looked at an older version of SportYapper in 2012 and recommended it as a sports fans' own social media app.

SportsYapper can replace Facebook and Twitter as an outlet for your intense and sometimes questionable comments as you live and die with your favorite teams. You can log in to the app with a Facebook, Twitter, or email account. If you want to keep your frenzied thoughts off those accounts, SportsYapper is the perfect outlet. Users get 300 characters per comment so it is easier to express your real feelings at the height of the game, after a tough loss, or a wonderful victory.

SportsYapper screenshots

The basic operation of the app is just about the same as it was for our earlier review. Users establish a profile with the usual information, name, user name, password, etc. They then go through the extensive list of sports and pick out their favorite teams. All the major leagues, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, are included along with both college basketball and football plus the top soccer leagues from the US, Europe, and Mexico. You will also find general topics such as NASCAR, golf, track and field, MMA, and the Olympics.

SportsYapper screenshots

The user interface is slightly different but still easy to use. Users can now choose to "Hangout" in a team page or at a specific game. You can also check to see if your friends on the site have posted any comments, or "Yapps" as they are called. Or check out another new feature. Find photos uploaded by other users from the game or the place where a group of people are watching, or just anything other fans want to share.

SportsYapper screenshots

SportsYapper's alert system has been upgraded so you can be reminded when your game is about to start, when someone replies to your comment, when friends log in, or if you get a "high five" from another user. Similar to a "like" you can now give out "high fives" to other fans' comments. This is a new feature that mimics what fans would do if they were watching the game together.

Another new feature allows you to search for any of your Facebook or Twitter friends on the site or you can send out an invitation to them to start watching the same game you are. I know from experience it is always a lot more fun when you can root and talk with other fans while the game is being played. SportYapper provides that opportunity even if you are alone. We recommended you take a look a couple of years ago and now with even more features SportsYapper is still well worth your time.

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