Thursday 7 May 2015

Apple Launches New ‘Everything Changes With iPad’ Microsite

Apple has just launched a brand new microsite. This new offering is called “Everything Changes with iPad”. It offers a host of sections that provide key information on what the company’s iPad is capable of. We have all the information you need in the post below.

The new microsite section that has been unveiled by Apple seeks to make it easier for consumers and enterprise users to discover the advantages of owning an iPad. Back in 2010, there was a lot of debate and questioning over the necessity of the original iPad when we already had the iPhone. Now however, there is no debating that the larger display can offer users so much more than a mere handset.

The “Everything Changes with iPad” microsite is divided up into a number of different sections. These include, Cooking with iPad, Learning with iPad, Small business with iPad, Traveling with iPad, Redecorating with iPad, and Why iPad. This means that no matter what your aim or goals may be, there is something that the iPad can do for you to improve your experience. Each of the different sections also includes details of apps that you can use to help you. The sections are also well organized providing lots of information that is in addition to Apple’s main website.

Despite Apple’s efforts to conquer the education and business sectors, there is still the feeling that the iPad is a bit of a luxury product and that its primary purpose is consumption. The downloading of games, watching movies and browsing the web seem to be among the most popular pastimes for the average iPad user, so the purpose of the new microsite is to make sure that everyone knows exactly what they can do with the iPad.

The iPad line-up consists of the 9.7 inch iPad Air and the iPad mini, but according to reports, these will be joined by a larger model in the very near future. There are rumors of an iPad Pro that will have a 12 inch display. This will compete with the likes of Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3. For now though, the iPad Air and the iPad Mini cover the needs of most users and if you would like to find out a little bit more about what the iPad is capable of, just visit the new iPad microsite and have a look for yourself.

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