Thursday 27 August 2015

Dual-Core 1GB RAM iPhone 6 Beats Octa-Core 4GB RAM Galaxy Note 5 In Speed Test

Samsung the makers behind the Galaxy Note have created a lot of excitement in users. Those who adore large screen are delighted to see the Galaxy Note 5 being released. The specifications of the Note 5 are really great and enough to make anyone believe that this device would outperform most competing devices especially a 2014 model, such as Apple’s iPhone 6. Well in today’s post we want to show you that raw specs alone will never tell the full story.

Smartphone and hardware fans love testing out competing models and they do this through real-world performance. The launch of any new device ultimately spawns a number of “speed test” videos that measure devices against one another whilst performing common tasks such as multitasking, launching processor intensive apps, and navigating through complex menu structures. YouTube user DroidModderX Root Master has created a video demonstrating how the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 performs against Apple’s iPhone 6 and you can see this video for yourself at the end of the post.

What we already know is that the majority of smartphone users will interact with various apps on a daily bases and it seems logical to start with this action when doing speed tests to see exactly how each device performs when opening, using, and closing apps. In terms of hardware capabilities on paper the Note 5 with 4GB RAM and octa-core processor completely obliterates the iPhone 6 with 1GB of RAM and dual-core processor. Having said that, the video clearly show that Apple’s finely tuned smartphone can hold its own by keeping up with the pace that is being set by the Galaxy Note 5 when opening and loading common apps, and then later actually beating it.

The most interesting part of this test has to be the difference in performance when it came to actually loading a previously launched app for the second time, essentially recalling an app from the background. The iPhone 6 and iOS operating system clearly do a spectacular job of holding previously opened apps in memory and was able to load and display the app instantly. The Galaxy Note 5 on the other hand was really lacking in this area and the actual app had to go through the full boot process again. This shows that when it comes to multitasking, the iPhone 6 is the clear winning.

You really do need to check out the video for yourself to see exactly what we are talking about. The specs show that the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is the better model but when put to the test the Apple iPhone 6 wins time and time again. Take a look and let us know would the outcome of the speed test sway your decision if you were thinking about buying a Galaxy Note 5.

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