Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Nest reviewed: The connected home done right

Phil Nickinson has finally posted a Nest review. Yes, post Google ergo propter Google. He ran to his car and raced to his local big box roughly 3 seconds after news of the acquisition hit the internet equivalent of the wire and, after tearing out his previous "perfectly good programmable" gear, installed his new Nest. So, what does he think of it?

We’re in the early days of the connected home still. But this much is clear, after even just two short weeks with Nest — this is a product done right. And if you can cough up the dough, well worth the price.

I have baseboards, so the Nest is a non-starter for me, but I like that it exists and I'm curious to see what Google does with it. Phil's review isn't the first by any means, but his perspective is fresh, and like many things, his journey is more interesting than the destination. I'll spoil it no more; go read the whole the review then come back and tell me — if you already have a Nest, how do you like it? And if you don't, does Phil's complete Nest review make you any more likely to get one?

Nest reviewed: The connected home done right

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