Wednesday 29 January 2014

Where Apple's money comes from

In conjunction with its earnings release this past Monday, Apple filed its Form 10-Q with the SEC where it lists more details about its business than most people would care to learn. But buried within the 68-page document are more than a few nuggets.

With US$57.6 billion in recorded revenue this past quarter, Apple's Form 10-Q details how all those billions are divided up by geographic region.

Under Apple's categorization, Greater China includes Hong Kong and Taiwan while Europe includes India, the Middle East and Africa. The 'Rest of Asia Pacific' designation covers Asia (aside from China and Japan) and Australia.

Apple points out that growth in Asia was particularly strong this past quarter:

Growth in net sales was particularly strong in Greater China and Japan, with both operating segments reporting double-digit year-over-year growth in net sales.

Notably, net sales in the Americas declined ever so slightly, from $20.34 billion in last year's quarter to $20.09 billion during the most recent quarter.

Things get more interesting when we break down Apple's $57.6 billion in revenue by product line.

Without question, the iPhone remains Apple's primary cash cow, which perhaps explains why the company's share price took a huge dive after delivering iPhone sales below analyst estimates.

Examining the cold hard data, keep in mind that year-over-year sales increased across the entirety of Apple's product line, save of course the iPod which experienced an astounding 55% decline. In line with that, iPod unit sales fell by 52%, dropping from 12.69 million units sold during the 2012 holiday quarter to just 6.04 million units sold during the 2013 holiday quarter.

Expressed in dollar amounts, here's how Apple's revenue is spread out across its product line:

iPhone - $32.49 billion in sales

iPad - $11.46 billion in sales

Mac - $6.39 billion in sales

iPod - $973 million in sales

iTunes, Software and Services - $4.39 billion in sales

Accessories - $1.86 billion in sales

Aside from the iPod, which has effectively been swallowed whole by the iPhone, it was an all around stellar quarter from Apple.

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