Friday 21 November 2014

Friendly competition on the slopes by using Lines

Lines screenshots

We had the first big snow storm of the season and some ski resorts are already open and others are getting ready for the season. That means you and your friends need to be preparing for the first ski trip of the winter. As part of you preparations, I recommend you download Lines onto your phone. Lines is a new app for skiers and snowboarders that allows you to turn the trips with your buddies into a friendly competition. Lines is just for iPhones and runs on iOS 7.0 or later.

If you and your friends are like most groups I know, everything you do becomes a competition on some level whether it is downing a few cold ones or shooting some hoops in the back yard. Guys are competitive by nature and now with Lines your ski trips can become single day or trip long contests based just on your skiing.

Lines screenshots

Once you complete a free registration on the app, you can strap on your skis or board and hit the slope. Set up a new Ride and hit the start button. Lines tracks a variety of elements while you ski or snowboard and awards points. The app measures how far you ski. And you get points for that. What was your maximum speed? You earn points for that too so the faster you get down the hill the more points you receive.

​How big was the vertical drop? The steeper the slope the higher the points awarded. You can also earn points for the number of runs you make each day, how many jumps you take, and how much time you spend in the air after jumping. At the end of each run, save the data and Lines will compile a running total of all the categories. Once the run is saved, you can go back to check the data and Lines also inserts a map showing your run on the mountain.

At the end of the day while sipping a refreshing cup of cocoa or another drink of your choice you and your friends can check out your profiles and compare all the various areas plus the all important points total for the day. Find out not only who scored the most points but who skied the longest distance and went the fastest.

Lines screenshots

You and your friends can set up your own group within the app and keep track of how each of you are doing if you some times ski alone or with a different set of people. You can also check other users from around the world. The developer is an English company and all the groups I saw were in the UK but you can change that. Download Lines and get your friends to join you and let's find out who the champion skier is in your group. Maybe you can even find a way that the low total buys those refreshing drinks at the end of the day.

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