Tuesday 9 December 2014

Apple lawyers blast media for wanting access to Steve Jobs' video to show 'dead man'

Apple lawyers blast media for wanting to show dead man in Steve Jobs' video deposition

We reported earlier today that news outlets were petitioning to have Steve Jobs' video deposition that was used in the iPod class action suit released to the public. Apple's lawyers fired back Tuesday evening with a response claiming that the media simply wants to see a dead man.

According to court reporting by The Verge:

"The marginal value of seeing him again, in his black turtleneck — this time very sick — is small," Sherman said, contrasting that with high-profile appearances like Apple product releases, and when Jobs stumped for a new campus at a city council meeting in Cupertino. "What they they want is a dead man, and they want to show him to the rest of the world, because it's a judicial record."

In addition to the above statement, Apple made its stance known through court documents that outline its argument against the release of Jobs' video deposition:

Disclosure of the video of Mr. Jobs' testimony would not promote the public interest, the duties of the court, or the public's understanding of the judicial process—it would do just the opposite. Most crucially, unfettered disclosure of Mr. Jobs' testimony based solely on the general interest of the press—or indeed any member of the wider public—would deter other individuals from appearing voluntarily for videotaped depositions, and undermine the operations of the courts.

The conflict comes just days after Jobs' deposition, which was recorded shortly before his death, was played for the court. In it, the Apple co-founder largely lays the blame for its DRM woes at the feet of the record labels.

Sources: The Verge; Scribd (via Apple Insider)

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