Thursday 11 December 2014

Flickr Find: A real classic

iPod Classic

With all the brouhaha surrounding Apple's iPod class action lawsuit making headlines this week, it's only fitting this week's Flickr Find is a lovely picture of a once forgotten, now revived iPod owned by Cole Camplese

As pointed out by Cole, the best part about reviving an older device is rediscovering all the cool content that once was important, but has been forgotten over the years. Old podcasts, with their breaking news and cutting edge technology discussions, are an especially delightful listen. Do you have any old Apple devices kicking around? Have you revived them recently? Share your stories in the comments.

Did you know that TUAW has a Flickr pool? And that we encourage readers to submit their own Apple related images? Please join and share with our group as we'd love to see your photos.

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