Thursday 11 December 2014

Microsoft acquires app testing platform HockeyApp


App beta testing and crash analytics service HockeyApp today announced it is being acquired by Microsoft. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the company did confirm that its mission to make the best mobile app testing platform will remain unchanged.

We want to be very clear about the most important thing: we remain dedicated to our mission of making the best mobile app development feedback and testing distribution platform in the world. Your HockeyApp apps and accounts will continue to work and the team has not stopped working on advancing the platform. Throughout the next few months, we'll reveal more about our plans with Microsoft.

In its announcement, Microsoft confirmed HockeyApp will be integrated into Visual Studio Online as part of the service's Application Insights. This feature provides app analytics and includes support for iOS and Android. Microsoft plans to introduce new Application Insights SDKs with HockeyApp support in the coming months.

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