Thursday 11 December 2014

Microsoft buys HockeyApp to help expand its support for iOS app developers

iPhone 6 Plus

Microsoft has today announced the acquisition of Stuttgart, Germany-based company HockeyApp, which provides iOS developers with detailed app crash reports, along with a way to distribute beta versions of those apps. The specific financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed in the announcement.

This latest move is yet another example of Microsoft servicing app developers working on platforms other than the company's own Windows OS. Microsoft stated:

In the coming months, we will introduce new iOS and Android SDKs for Application Insights based on the features of HockeyApp. Application Insights offers a 360-degree view of application usage, availability, and performance across both client and server/cloud application components. Integrating HockeyApp crash reports with Application Insights usage analytics will extend device support for Application Insights across all major mobile platforms and make application analytics an ambient part of the application development cycle with support for all tiers of a modern "mobile first, cloud first" solution.

Source: Microsoft

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