Wednesday 10 December 2014

Paper by FiftyThree adds new color tools, makes connecting with people easier

Paper by FiftyThree adds new color tools, makes connecting easier

Paper by FiftyThree has hit version 2.2 with important additions for Paper as a whole, as well as the new Mix service. The big changes surround colors, including changing colors of your creation's background.

If you see a color that you like in someone else's Mix creation, you can now add that color to your own Paper palette. Pull up the tool tray and double tap the Color Mixer, then drag the color picker to the color you want to add, then tap the Mixer again. Drag that color over to the palette to save it.

You can now quickly change the color of your pages without loosing what you've already done. Simply drag the color you want from the Mixer or your palette, and the background will change instantly.

Paper has made it easier to find and connect with people. Mix now has a global search tool to allow you to find and follow others. On the Mix screen pull down from the center and type the name or email address of the person you're looking for. You can also connect to people you know through Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

Paper 2.2 is available for download in the App Store now.

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