Monday 22 December 2014

Rumor Roundup: Comfortably close to zero

'Twas the night before Christmas... well, not exactly. At any rate, there are barely any creatures stirring in the rumor landscape, with only two rumors of note having come out in the past few days.

Apple could sell record 67M iPhones in December quarter, survey suggests (AppleInsider)

Source: Some analyst

Chance it's true: 30 percent

The "How many of Apple product (x) did Apple sell?" guessing game continues ad nauseaum. The various parties involved in trying to guess how many iPhones Apple sold during this past quarter varies by millions of units, which makes the whole exercise rather hard to take seriously.

Considering we're talking about analysts here, "hard to take seriously" is pretty much par for the course.

Kate Winslet May Take on Lead Female Role in Jobs Biopic (MacRumors)

Source: Hollywood

Chance it's true: None whatsoever

If you haven't read former TUAW staffer Christina Warren's comprehensive reporting on the woes of the Steve Jobs film, you definitely should. Long story short: the film is in "turnaround" now, which is another way of saying "development hell," which is another way of saying the chances this film will ever get made, with anyone, are comfortably close to zero.

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