Tuesday 9 December 2014

Tim Cook met with Jesse Jackson to discuss inclusion earlier this week

Tim Cook met with Jesse Jackson to discuss inclusion earlier this week

Tim Cook had met privately with civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson for an hour to discuss diversity and inclusion on Monday. The meeting occurred in the Bay Area while Jackson was in town for a workshop hosted by the Rainbow PUSH coalition at Intel's Santa Clara headquarters to discuss how technology companies could close the racial gap.

According to a report on USA Today , Jackson walked away from the meeting pleased with the vision and progress that Cook is making on diversity:

"I am impressed with him and the conversation," Jackson said in an interview on Tuesday. "He has a real vision for Apple and he sees the value in inclusiveness."

Similarly, Apple said the meeting was productive:

In a statement, Apple spokeswoman Kristen Huguet said: "Apple is deeply committed to diversity within our company and the advancement of human rights around the world. We had a productive meeting with Rev. Jesse Jackson and we value his input. We look forward to working with him, our employees, customers and other stakeholders as we look for ways to do more."

Source: USA Today

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