Wednesday 10 December 2014

Touch Arcade

Free to Play Fighter 'Marvel Contest of Champions' Now Available Worldwide

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 12:51 PM PST

Marvel's new free to play mobile brawler, which they originally announced at Comic-Con in July and soft-launched in October, is now officially available worldwide. Called Marvel Contest of Champions [Free], the game puts a large cast of Marvel characters, both heroes and villains, at your disposal as you use them to battle in the Contest of Champions. There is a full single-player portion of the game that sees you beating specific quests and unlocking bits of storyline. There's also online multiplayer, though it's against other players' ghost teams and not actually real-time fighting. It's still fun though, and playing versus lets you win Battle Chips which can be used to enter special Arena events where you can earn high-powered characters and other rewards. Finally there are several daily events to play through which also offer special rewards for winning and unique play parameters.

I've actually been playing Marvel Contest of Champions since its soft-launch a couple months back, and honestly I really, really like about 90% of it while the other 10% frustrates the heck out of me. The core fighting mechanics are great, pared down from a full-blown fighting game but still offering strategic and satisfying play. It's pretty similar to the Injustice mobile game, focusing on tap and swipe gestures to perform basic attacks and combos, with the larger goal of filling up a special meter to unleash a devastating attack on your opponent. However, Marvel's game gives you a bit more freedom of movement which adds another layer on top of the simplified fighting and makes the game feel less button-mashy.


I also love how much content Contest of Champions has. The single-player quests are fun and challenging and it looks like there will be more of them coming in the future. The daily events give you something fun and new to do with your stable of characters every day, and of course there's always multiplayer which offers infinite replayability. Finally, I want to point out that I love the art style of Contest of Champions. It's not super realistic, and it's not super cartoony, it sits right in the middle of the two. The character designs and environments are top-notch, and capture the feeling of an epic battle happening in a comic universe.

So, that 10% that I don't like? Well, for one the game requires an internet connection. Not a major deal to me, but it will be to some people, and it also messes with the flow of the game when it pauses constantly to reestablish a connection or talk to the server. My bigger issue is with the way you collect and upgrade characters. This is something that's nice and straightforward in Injustice, but is incredibly confusing and overly complex in Contest of Champions. You obtain new characters by random through a sort of slot machine mechanic, so if you're gunning for a particular character, well, good luck. Then there's the whole upgrading characters part, which given the amount of in-game currencies and items to do so can be incredibly confusing. It's nice that there's some depth to the character upgrading, but often I feel I'm spending more time fiddling with my inventory and roster than actually fighting. The whole system can be intimidating and confusing to new users, which may put them off completely.

Anyway, even with those negatives I've pointed out, I'm still having a great time with Marvel Contest of Champions. It's a seriously well-made fighting game that feels appropriate for mobile devices and touchscreens. And, much like Injustice I can see myself playing this in the extreme long term, unlocking and upgrading new characters and playing new events as they come. If you aren't immediately turned off by typical free to play shenanigans, then I highly suggest downloading Marvel Contest of Champions for free and checking it out, and then jumping in to the conversation in our forums.

DotEmu's Running Holiday Discounts All Month Long

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 12:16 PM PST

We haven't quite been keeping an eye on these sales, but DotEmu's got a nice little discount promotion going on this month, where they're putting a new game on sale every day on iOS and Android. As such, this advent sale isn't always iOS-related, and the only iOS games they've put on sale have been over the weekend, with both Another World [$3.99] and R-Type [$1.99] getting 24 hour sales for $0.99 each.

During the weekdays, they've been putting Android games on sale, like today is Little Big Adventure for Android. But there's no telling what will pop up next: DotEmu is pretty much the port house du jour when it comes to retro games, and they have a number of games that could go cheaper at any point. So bookmark their advent calendar page, follow their Twitter, and keep an eye on our forums for the next deals to pop up. And maybe hope that Another World gets an encore sale, eh?

'Epic Fall' from Developers of 'StoneLoops! of Jurassica' Launches Thursday

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 10:41 AM PST

One of the games that hasn't quite made its way out onto our list of massive list of New Zealand releases that should be coming out tonight. And it's from a pretty cool developer at MegaBozz, which include veterans of games like Death Worm [$0.99] and the long-lost StoneLoops! of Jurassica. Meet Epic Fall, a game that can be perhaps best described as an endless-faller meets Toast Time [$2.99]. Check out the trailer:

You tap to shoot to navigate the perilous pits, using the recoil from firing the guns to move around, and to take out traps below you. You can collect coins while playing, and use them to upgrade your weapon's stats to be more effective, so that your fall to your death is at least a long-lasting fall to the death. It's basically the exact opposite goal of Sunburn [$2.99]. This one should be releasing in the next 24 hours or so, possibly overnight, and given the game's pedigree, hey, should be worth checking out. Check out our forum thread!

It's Here! 'Seabeard' from HandCircus and Backflip Now Available Worldwide

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 09:22 AM PST

The time has finally come! The long-awaited Seabeard [Free] from HandCircus and Backflip Studios is now worldwide! We got word last week that the game was going to release on the 11th, but the particulars in charge have pulled the switch on the game a bit earlier than expected. I suppose it's Thursday if you're in Australia, New Zealand, and many Asian countries, but for westerners, it's out a day early – or at least a few hours ahead of the normal Wednesday night release times. iTunes releases are weird.

This expansive and gorgeous game has been in soft launch for a few months now, so some people have already played it. The game has undergone some adjustments and changes in the soft launch period – that's what they're there for – so while you may have heard some angry criticisms from early players, what they have played may not reflect what you'll be playing today. And if you did play it in the soft launch, keep an open mind – HandCircus and Backflip may have fixed exactly what you were complaining about. We're working on a full review of the game, but you can read our preview of the game from when it was in soft launch to get a feel for what the Seabeard experience entails.

'Rocket Cars' from Illusion Labs Soft Launches in Canada

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 09:21 AM PST

Illusion Labs have just soft-launched their next game, Rocket Cars, in Canada. This is the first true free-to-play game from the long-time iOS developer, known for their Touchgrind [$4.99] series of games, Labyrinth 2 [$4.99 / Free / $7.99 (HD) / Free (HD)], and more. This is a level-based racing game, where the goal is to finish in first place against several computer cars, doing stunts and picking up boosts to get turbos. It's kind of like Asphalt 8 [Free] in being heavily-focused on boosting, with a major touch of kart racers.

Rocket Cars 1 Rocket Cars 2

Much like Touchgrind Skate 2 [$4.99], the game runs in portrait mode on iPhone, but in landscape on iPad. The game uses a Candy Crush style level progression, and there's plenty of upgrades to buy, with a two-tier currency. The prices are still being sorted out, but it's possible to watch videos to get free gems (the hard currency), and a coin doubler. The game itself has a cool one-touch control system that'll be interesting to play around with more, and while the free-to-play aspects certainly feel familiar, Illusion Labs feels like the kind of company with a track record to trust that they'll treat players well. The game's currently out in Canada, and should be out worldwide next year. Check out our forum thread to chat about the game.

Could 'Corridor Z' Actually be an Original Endless Runner with Zombies?

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:38 AM PST

I still enjoy endless runners, and I still enjoy the occasional zombie game, but it's hard to argue that they're not at least a bit rote at this point. And with Into the Dead [Free] tackling the endless runner with zombies, even that combination is not original at this point. Well, Mass Creation wants to take a shot at still doing something unexpected with the 'endless runner with zombies' genre with their upcoming Corridor Z.

The goal of Corridor Z is to help fend off zombies by trying to fend off the horde using whatever tools you come across, like throwing objects to create obstacles to slow them down (or bonk them in the head). If you're lucky enough to have a gun, that can be used to fend off the horde, but it won't stop them forever. This one could be particularly interesting if there's not an endless component, and if it's actually possible to 'beat' it by reaching the escape point mentioned in the trailer, some interesting elements could come of that. This one's expected early next year, which is only weeks away at this point. The developers are in our forums if you want to ask them questions or chat about the game.

Mad Catz's CTRLi and Micro CTRLi Now Shipping

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:50 AM PST

Good news for MFi gamepad fans waiting on Mad Catz' entry into a field that's thankfully starting to fill up with options: the CTRLi and CTRLi Micro are both officially shipping from Mad Catz starting today. The controllers started shipping this week on Amazon in limited quantities, but now each controller is available on Mad Catz's website, costing $49.99 for the full-size CTRLi and $39.99 for the CTRLi Micro. These are especially appealing at those prices as they undercut everything else out there among MFi controllers, especially with the Micro. However, given the clamoring for full-size controllers after the initial batch were all so small, that full-size one should be especially appealing.

Mad Catz CTRLi

Interestingly, even the smaller controller has a clip option, so unlike the SteelSeries Stratus, even the smaller one has appeal for iPhone owners, instead of just iPad owners. The controllers are each powered by AAA batteries, which can be annoying if you don't have extra batteries with you on the go, but being tethered to a charging cable is also annoying, so it's a trade-off. If that sounds better to you, or you're looking to get into MFi gamepads at a cheaper cost, well, these options now exist for you. Additionally, the CTRLi [Free] and Micro CTRLi [Free] configuration apps can now be downloaded from the App Store as well, to test battery level and update controller firmwares.

New iPhone Games Coming Tonight: 'Owen's Odyssey', 'Sneaky Sneaky', 'The Hobbit' and TONS More (Most Already Available in the US)

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:50 AM PST

This is a bit of a weird week, and a slightly misleading title because an odd amount of these games are already released on the App Store. For whatever reason developers have decided to forgo the typical staged NZ release thing in exchange for just setting their games live on the App Store at seemingly random times overnight. Weird stuff on the App Store this time of year is actually totally normal as developers jockey for position during the iTunes holiday freeze, so, I'm sure next week will be even more crazy.

Games Out in New Zealand (Normal Wednesday Games)

Games That Should Be Out Now in Most Regions, Maybe:

Soft Launches

Aaaand last, but certainly not least, is Backflip Studios' Seabeard which is scheduled for release tomorrow but it's been soft launched forever and who knows if they'll throw the worldwide release switch early.

Stoic Studio Announce 'The Banner Saga 2' and Confirm Eventual Mobile Release

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 06:13 PM PST

Stoic Studio announced today that the follow-up to The Banner Saga [$9.99], their lush, Ragnarok-themed tactical RPG, is coming to all the big non-mobile platforms some time next year. The sequel will be called, unsurprisingly, The Banner Saga 2, and it should start where its predecessor left off: in the beleaguered city of Boersgard, with Bellower's corpse smoking in the cold wind.

Ok, so it may not start exactly right there, but the team at Stoic are working to make sure all of your choices from the first game carry over to the second. Last month, Stoic co-founder Arnie Jorgensen told me that his team "want[s] the whole series to feel like one sweep. All three games should feel like one continual game, without any hiccups between them."

To celebrate today's announcement, Stoic released a new trailer. Eagle-eyed fans will spot at least one new faction of fighters, as well as familiar faces like Hakon the Warmaster, the presumptive heir (if I remember my lore correctly) to the Varl leadership.

"The critical reception and widespread fan appreciation for The Banner Saga is overwhelming and humbling, and has the team at Stoic dedicated to delivering a fantastic sequel with The Banner Saga 2," said Jorgensen in a press release. The game is set for release next year on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

A representative from Stoic's PR partner confirmed to me that the game is also headed toward mobile, but he couldn't give me a timeframe or say if the release would be simultaneous across different platforms. The Banner Saga was first available on PC in January 2014, but wasn't released until October on iOS tablets. Still, Stoic Studio consider The Banner Saga for iOS the definitive version of the game: "It's a better experience on tablet now than you can get on the PC or Mac," says Jorgensen.

Stoic hope to reveal more information about The Banner Saga 2 after the holidays, but until then, you can read our retrospective profile of Stoic Studio and The Banner Saga , which covers everything from wide-angle aspect ratios to indie iOS development.

Hidden Gem 'Doug Dug' is Currently Free

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 05:22 PM PST

Tis the season for app sales, and another darn good game has gone free here in December. Doug Dug [Free] is currently free. This is a game about digging for buried treasure in a collapsing underground, taking care to get the sweet loot while keeping an eye on the blocks all around, such that a block doesn't bop Doug on the head. Doug doesn't dig that. There's also plenty of creepy crawlies to dodge, and a two-tier score system: money, and overall depth. This is all about high scores, and each run starts fresh, and there's no in-app purchases, so it's all about your digging skill.

But sure, there are plenty of free games, why get this one? Our Shaun Musgrave gave the game 4.5 stars back in his review, saying " The focus on going as deep as possible echoes the great Mr. Driller, while collecting goods, battling enemies, and using somewhat controlled collapses to take out enemies and clear a path calls to mind the great-grandfather of the digging genre, Dig Dug." Sounds like a game you'll dig! It's a real gem! It'll provide a miner degree of satisfaction! Who knows why this is free, but hey, no reason to complain about another rad freebie.

'Borderlands Online' is a MMORPG Take on 'Borderlands' for PC and Mobile in China

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 03:39 PM PST

Okay, here's a bit of unexpected news: Shanda Games, a Chinese publisher, announced that it's bringing an MMO version of Borderlands to China, with 2K opening up a Chinese studio to help make the game, entitled Borderlands Online. But how is this relevant to you, dear mobile enthusiast, who recalls that there's only really been one attempt at making Borderlands for mobile with Borderlands Legends [$4.99 / $6.99 (HD)] a couple years ago? Well, Shanda Games has announced that this Borderlands Online will be both a PC and mobile game, according to translations of one of the Chinese outlets reporting on the game.

Borderlands Online

This does sound intriguing, because, hey, a real Borderlands game for mobile, and in MMO form? Sure, that sounds interesting! But there's plenty of reasons to cool your jets about this: first of all, it's just for China at the moment, so the odds of any western release for this is unknown. Second, we really don't know when this will come out – Kotaku points out that even Call of Duty Online has yet to leave open beta in China, and that's been kicking since early 2013. It's possible Borderlands Online might not even be a real proposition for a long time, and who knows, maybe one of the actual Borderlands games will get to ported to mobile by then. Hey, it happened with Bioshock [$10.99], didn't it?

Upcoming 'Docking Sequence' is a Space-Survival Arcade Game from Quantum Sheep

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 02:46 PM PST

Solo indie developer and sheep enthusiast Quantum Sheep is hard at work on his latest game after Air Supply - SOS [$1.99] released earlier this year, with Docking Sequence. The game is about docking a spaceship with a space station, using a limited amount of fuel, and with an innumerable amount of hazards that pop up. Asteroids, space mines, rotating space stations, black monoliths, and more? All common hazards for you, space cowboy. And your ship has a pesky habit of blowing up a few seconds before running out of fuel, which feels like something that engineering should have sorted out a while ago. Oh, and there's astronauts to save as well, with some levels requiring a certain number of astronauts to provide a successful docking.

Docking Sequence 1

The game is ultimately about trying to make it through as many dockings as possible without dying for high scores, though there are new ships, music, and color schemes that can be unlocked by playing and collecting certain objectives, like other Quantum Sheep games. Expect this one to release, pending Apple approval, next Thursday for $0.99, with no IAP. We have a forum thread chatting about the game if you're interested in hearing more.

'Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect' Episodic Series Coming in 2015

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 01:50 PM PST

The TV show Sons of Anarchy ends its seven season run tonight, but the franchise is continuing on in game form, with the upcoming Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect. This will be an episodic adventure game set in the universe of the show, featuring a new chapter of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club in a new location, featuring an original story made just for the game. Details are few and far between beyond that, but expect this one's first episode to hit mobile sometime next year.


The game is being developed by upstart studio Orpheus Interactive and Silverback Games, who have made several point-and-click adventure games for Big Fish. Sons of Anarchy creator Kurt Sutter and his creative team are working with the developers on the story, and Sutter, who is notorious for not holding much back on Twitter, tweeted his excitement for the game earlier this year in traditional profane form. He's also discussed the game on his web series, "Intercoarse", promising a "high-end tablet game" but it's apparently been delayed a few months from its original release date. So with this one getting pushed beyond the TV series' lifespan, this should now serve as more than just a tie-in, but as a way to extend the life of a franchise people have come to love.

'Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD Edition' Coming to iPad in January

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 01:10 PM PST

Ubisoft has announced that the classic PC game Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia is making its way to iPad early next year, in a new HD edition, which will release on January 29th, 2015. This turn-based strategy game has players managing their team of heroes as they explore the world, collecting resources, taking over towns, and completing the objectives necessary to win. Enemies are battled on hexagonal grids, with experience being earned for the heroes, with the ability to upgrade their skills to help try and win. The game is being ported over by DotEmu, and features HD visuals, with tons of art assets redone for modern high-resolution graphics.

The game sadly will only be based around the original version of the game and not the expansions, as the source code for the expansions was allegedly lost. Still, a new audience is going to get to play this for the first time, complete with the series' famous hotseat multiplayer, and deep strategic gameplay intact. And who knows, maybe the source code for the expansions might just turn up somewhere, someday, in a programmer's garage deep in a box somewhere...

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