Monday 22 September 2014

Want a waterproof Apple Watch? Liquipel will offer nano-coating


Most of us here at TUAW were baffled by the lack of waterproofing on Apple's upcoming Watch. This is a device that will always be on your wrist, will accompany you to the shower if you forget to take it off, will go for a swim if you don't leave it in the locker, and will be subject to splashes and drips all the time. Fortunately, we received an email today from Danny McPhail, one of the co-founders of waterproofing firm Liquipel and the current chief of product development for the company. Guess what? They're going to offer their Watersafe nano-coating to customers who want a waterproof Apple Watch.

McPhail says:

"With the emergence of wearable tech like the Apple Watch, the need for a water repellent coating is greater than ever as these devices will be in constant danger of coming in contact with liquids and humidity. Liquipel is excited to offer our Watersafe nano-coating to customers who are seeking that extra level of protection to help save their wearable tech from unexpected encounters with liquids. Be on the lookout for our wearable technology treatment option on our site in the coming months so you can protect your new Apple Watch!"

Personally, a lot of TUAW staffers are baffled as to why Apple doesn't add this type of coating as a standard offering on all of its mobile products. Help us, Jony Ive, you're our only hope!

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